
Tunning Rails with DTrace

This post will talk about how to do performance test of Rails program with DTrace tool. The testing will be separated into Ruby program part and database operations part. Please make sure all the tested program has provided probes to the DTrace.

NOTICE: The testing data is still under collection, this post has only DTrace script now, I will update this post after gathering enough testing data.

Ruby learning log

Just studied Ruby with the tutorial on website rubylearning.com in the past week, and here are some knowledge gained those days.

List all CVS tags


Simple Life Game in HTML5


Get Return Value from popen System Call

popen的调用的返回值是popen自己的返回值,并不是被调用程序的返回值,如果需要取被调用程序的返回值,则需要先用pclose()取到返回的status信 息,再用wait的宏进行判断。 int status = pclose(fp); if (status == -1) { printf("Error reported by pclose()\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("Process exited? %s\n", WIFEXITED(status) ? "yes" : "no"); printf("Process status: %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); } 其实是满早前问的一个问题,忘更新过来了。

Use TaobaoAPI in SAE

