
My first python script

Yesterday, I needed a shell script to do a demo of a program, and I thought about python, so my first script was released today. But I have to say, it is useless, because I haven’t reach my goal :( . The problem is not in the script but in the program, so the only thing I can do is to abort, although I do not want to say this word. I want to paste some code here because I want to leave some useful command in my own space, so I can re-read them later ^_^


import some useful modules

import os
import glob
import sys
import re
import shutil
import linecache

def some functions

get the filename without pathname

def get_filename(f_fullname):
return os.path.split(f_fullname)[1]

generate filename by replacing the str in filename

def gen_filename(f_filename, f_src_ext, f_dst_ext):
return re.sub(f_src_ext, f_dst_ext, f_filename)

filter filename by extension and return a list

fullname = glob.glob(‘res/bmp/*.bmp’)

get the filename(without extension) and return a new list

bmp_file = map(get_filename, fullname)

generate some filename

ppm_file = [gen_filename(file, ‘bmp’, ‘ppm’) for file in bmp_file]
pgm_file = [gen_filename(file, ‘bmp’, ‘pgm’) for file in bmp_file]
icp_file = [gen_filename(file, ‘bmp’, ‘icp’) for file in bmp_file] ……….

The module shutil allows u using copy and move, and the linecache module supports reading a whold line from a file, they both are useful

Just seen some doc of python, it seems that this is a powerful tools, I hope that I can study it deeper ^_^